Sunday, November 28, 2010

Recommitting Yourself to Effective Living

It's that time of year when school can start to feel overwhelming. There are so many irons in the fire, what do you focus on? One of the things I really like about the 7 Habits is the principle of renewing the Four Dimensions, "Sharpen the Saw." When things aren't going well, it doesn't take long to figure out I'm neglecting one or more of the dimensions. I encourage you to revisit page 140 of your 7 Habits workbook. I believe you can only be as effective at teaching as you are at living. To be truly great at teaching, you must take good care of yourself. The first step to getting refocused at school is to take a good look at yourself and recommit to effective living. You'll find it a lot easier to focus on the things that matter most at school. I would like to hear what little motivating things you do to get reconnected and recommitted to effective living. Please share your thoughts and ideas with a comment.