Sunday, November 28, 2010

Recommitting Yourself to Effective Living

It's that time of year when school can start to feel overwhelming. There are so many irons in the fire, what do you focus on? One of the things I really like about the 7 Habits is the principle of renewing the Four Dimensions, "Sharpen the Saw." When things aren't going well, it doesn't take long to figure out I'm neglecting one or more of the dimensions. I encourage you to revisit page 140 of your 7 Habits workbook. I believe you can only be as effective at teaching as you are at living. To be truly great at teaching, you must take good care of yourself. The first step to getting refocused at school is to take a good look at yourself and recommit to effective living. You'll find it a lot easier to focus on the things that matter most at school. I would like to hear what little motivating things you do to get reconnected and recommitted to effective living. Please share your thoughts and ideas with a comment.


Unknown said...

Wow! This really hits home right now. I started having a sense of being overwhelmed just yesterday. I am hoping that going to 5th grade camp will be a time of renewal. I know it will be exhausting, but I also know I will be forced to concentrate on the present & not give as much thought to the concerns of the future.

Alyssa Webb said...

What motivates me right now and holds me accountable to "effective living" is being a soon-to-be mom. When I'm feeling overwhelmed at school I think about the type of teacher that I will want Avery Mae (otherwise known as Baby Girl Webb) to have. When I don't want to grade papers or make that dreaded parent phone call I imagine how I would feel as a parent on the recieving end. Right now my source of renewal is getting everything ready for her arrival. Decorating the nursery, shopping for baby clothes... it helps me unwind while also preparing for the future.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing more like Christmas to get a person motivated and 'recommitted.' I love the Advent Season that leads up to Christmas, as it puts us in a place to bring outselves to the meaning of the Season. And for me, that is a time I reflect and remember the things that are really important. I find myself truly putting first things first. It brings me back and helps me Sharpen the Saw internally. Then I rest over the break and come back refreshed for the New Year.
Jill Fielder

Anonymous said...

This truly hits home with me from time to time. What's going on within me or at home carries over to school. Even something as simple as cleaning my house can throw me off. If my house isn't clean, my world seems off balance and it makes me feel scattered. I tend to feel that way at school as well. Making the time to get myself in order helps me to be more efficient at home and at school. Otherwise I feel like I am just moving stones and getting nothing accomplished.
Angela LeRoy

Anonymous said...

Having a Thanksgiving break gave me time to relax and refresh my mind. Spending time with my family, shopping, Christmas decorating and napping reminded me of the important things in my life. I feel ready to tackle the upcoming holiday craziness! :)

Paige Latham said...

If I am being completely honest, I am really struggling with this right now. With a new baby at home I don't feel like I ever have time to sharpen MY saw. Recently, I have been doing a lot of reflecting on our training and trying to figure out how to balance work and home while taking care of myself. I'm trying to focus on tackling the big rocks everyday. Hopefully Christmas break will give me some time to rest, recharge, and recommit myself to effective living!

Anonymous said...

I love this blog posting! It is a spring board for people to discuss some honest emotional and physical feelings, and provide honest answers. My situation is similar to what Alyssa Webb posted in her response. I too am a soon-to-be mom. This is mine and my husbands' first child, and all the discussions and sifting through baby ideas for a nursery, and clothes and supplies has put an extra spring in our step these days. We find ourselves talking about hypothetical child situations in the evening, imagining what it will be like to be a mom and dad, and what experiences a little boy or girl will bring out way.

It also doesn't hurt to have a touch of holiday spirit lingering around at school and at home. This time of year is just so much fun! I enjoy decorating at home, and doing assignments in class that have just a touch of holiday cheer in them. I like to listen to classic Christmas music on Pandora at work to help set the mood each day. Even now as I write this I'm listening to such greats as Bing Crosby, Gene Autry, Brenda Lee, Nat King Cole, and Ella Fitzgerald belt out some classic Christmas tunes!

I can't believe how quickly a week has gone by since we've been back from Thanksgiving break. I admit that I was feeling overwhelmed before we left for Thanksgiving, but since I've been back I have that outlook of "I can do this!" and have created a positive and productive work area for me and the kids. I don't feel like I'm treading water right now. I'm on top of my grades and lesson plans (one of the very few times in a year and a half) and it is so nice to know that I can go home and just focus on family...not work or what I still have to get done. I just tell myself it (work) will all get done in time, focus on what's important now.

It also helps me to think that we've just got two short weeks until a nice, long, extended break for the holidays. Those weeks will fly by with fun things to do, even more holiday cheer, and go out with a bang with our last day being a half day...wooo hoooo!

I look forward to spending quality time with friends and family, and seeing my parents for a whole month since they've been in Denmark since January of last year- that's too long!

Happy Holidays to all, and may the next couple of weeks come and go quickly and easily!

Kirby Plata

mary o said...

I just love this time of the year! It is putting the finishing touches of the past year and looking forward to a fresh new start. For me personally, having a new granddaughter makes me look back at all of the exciting times I shared with my daughter and the many days, weeks, months, and years I will enjoy teaching and playing with my granddaughter. A new child and a new year bring so many challenges and personal growth. Overwhelmed…….maybe a little, but seeing the excitement in the faces of our children takes us back maybe just for minutes to happy times with our families and friends. How can there be a better time of the year?

Trev said...

Teaching math this year is amazing because I love math, but it is taxing as well!
I have many days where I feel stressed about school, but it is always nice to go home and just hang out with my wife. She has really slowed me down which is nice. I have really come to realize how important it is to take some time for yourself and your family to recharge.
The weekends have definitely been my friend as of late haha!
For me, it is weekends and our home church group on Wednesdays that charge me up for awesome weeks at DES! =)

Anonymous said...

Okay! So everyone LOVES this time of year! Well, I agree, BUT it can also be a bit overwhelming! While the loveliness of the season and the festivities are wonderful it also adds to the number of tasks I need to fit into the day! I feel like when I leave school another whole day begins!
For instance: This Sunday I have church pageant rehersal for the two boys from 12-2; my Godsons birthday party from 1-3; a meeting from 2-4 and my mother wants me to go to an open house sometime between 1 and 5!!! How can I possibly do all of this???!!!
I think what the 7 Habits has done for me is make me take responsibility for my schedule! I started being more organized at school and it has filtered into my life at home! Just the fact that I can tell you what I have on my schedule for Sunday is HUGE!!! ;)
In the midst of all of this seasons clutter, I am reminded that the real reason for the season is whats important!
If I can't do it all I am still on the track for many smiles and hugs from family and friends at parties and such!
Just taking the time to sit back and watch what is going on around me makes me realize I have many things to be grateful for.

If you wonder what, just sit back and look at what YOU see!

I see a classroom of kids that struggle to behave and have been given to me so that I can have the chance to make a difference in their lives...
is this so different from the chance you have?

Just take the time to sit back and watch!

...and see how sharp your saw can be! EVEN at Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I love routine. It helps me to be more effective. My mornings at home are almost the same every weekday. I also need to have a list that I can check off. It helps me to put my thoughts and ideas down on paper. The older I get the more I realize that it is OK to say No. You cannot be happy with yourself if you are stretched too thin. Kathy Eby

Anonymous said...

The Thanksgiving break was exactly what I needed. Also, having my house organized and decorated keeps my mind free and clutterless so I can focus on my family and students. Oraganizing my time and actually scheduling time for "sharpening the saw" has recharged and rejuvenated. I look forward to the MANY blessings this time of year brings!!
Jennifer Lass

Penny Ledbetter said...

I had a lightbulb moment recently! It might sound like a, "duh" moment but here is what it was and it will make my family feel closer (so I feel like my saw is being sharpened!!) The other night, I was feeling overwhelmed as I got dinner ready, while supervising homework time for my boys and keeping my little girl busy. We made it through homework time but it was not a pleasant time to say the least! The next morning I started thinking about the night before and the many nights before that and how frustrated it made me and the kids. Then I started thinking about my children's "love languages" and how if I would just TAKE A FEW MINUTES AND MEET THEIR NEEDS when we get home each day, it would end up making it easier on ALL of us! We would have a comfortable and loving environment during dinner/homework time instead of one with patience being lost and voices being raised. For example, my oldest son's love language is quality time. So, when he was calling into the kitchen for me to help him with his homework, I know him and he didn't really need help --as much as he wanted me there by him giving him my time because it was our first time together all day! So, a lightbulb went off and I am commiting myself to meeting their needs because that is my God-given privilege AND it will make that stressful time much easier on all of us. **Having said all of this,I know this will not always be easy but I want it to happen for my fam! IT also makes me think of some of the hard-to-reach or challenging students in my Pre-K classroom. Even though there is only one of me and lots of them, if I could discover and meet some of their love languages, I know it would make a difference AND would sharpen my saw because it is just sharpened when things are running smoothly in the classroom! Very satisfying! ( hope this makes sense, I'm a rambler!)

Anonymous said...

I agree that Thanksgiving break was my saving grace!By my own choices I had decided to put up Christmas decorations, have my kitchen painted, organize and have a gargage sale and plan my husband's company Christmas party all in the same week!Ugh! What was I thinking? By the time school was out on Wednesday I was in complete panic mode just thinking about all that I needed to do. During these times I usually do a lot of positive self talk to get me through my own created chaos! Having five days to "baby step" my way through each task was exactly what I needed, and I am happy to say that I completed each goal with time to spare and relax on Sunday. I love sharpening the saw!!! By Monday I was ready to be back at DES fresh and ready to see all the eager faces that greet us each day and bring smiles to our faces!
That is what makes our job so rewarding!
Paula Keller

Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving Break sure was nice! I enjoyed spending a lot of time with my youngest daughter, Gabby, and her new dog, Bacon. We’ve never had a dog before so it’s been a challenge. This year’s break was totally…”Who Moved My Cheese?” Every year, Thanksgiving is celebrated at my house. My family drives up from Brownsville, for the holiday break, and the house is always full of warmth, love, and laughter with all the little ones running around. Sadly, my family couldn’t make it this year and my daughters, Khaila & Micaela were in New York with my husband’s family so there was no turkey at my house. With that said, Primo, Gabby, and I “built our own sunshine” and still had a great Thanksgiving dinner with wonderful friends, BJ, Laura, and Oscar. Christmas is my favorite holiday and I can’t wait to spend time with all my family! This is one of the times during the year when I like to “Sharpen the Saw.” I like to reflect back on how and what I’ve done throughout the year and how I can make it more effective and productive both at home and work. I’m counting down the days until break time! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I hope each and every one of you has a Wonderful and Blessed Christmas!
Sonia I. Sanchez

Anonymous said...

I wish to quote something that I read recently: "Agree with your adversary quickly. Agree that the adverse situation is good, be undisturbed by it, and it falls away of its own weight." "Do all the good you can, By all the means you can,In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, To all the people you can, As long as you ever can". Just wanted to share... By doing this you are being proactive and at the same time you are sharpening your saw by doing good for others! Have a Blessed Holiday Season :>)

ruthieg said...

I’m trying to get out of here before dark, which is a big step for me. I don’t always make it, but I’m doing a lot better than I have in the past. Amazingly, I now have time to make it to my Zumba and Yoga classes which always make me feel better and sleep better.

Anonymous said...

Ruthie, I LOVE that you go to zumba classes. That is awesome!

I'm a big time morning person and I often get to work super early so that I can get "mentally prepared" for the day. I just like being early I guess. But today I could not get out of the house on time. I was looking for the lid of my favorite coffee mug (from kindergarten), and I couldn't find the sweater that I wanted to wear. It just wasn't working out. I left my house at 7:10... 30 minutes later than usual and I was FREAKING OUT. But when I got to work I had more than enough time to get the things done that I wanted to get done before school started. My point is... I think I'm going to start sleeping in a little bit, or maybe give myself 15 extra minutes at my house to just, I don't know, LIVE. Maybe talk to my husband or talk to my dog. Ha.

Back to sharpening the saw-
I like to sharpen my saw by doing Kick boxing, with a good friend, at the gym close to my house. I used to run a lot, but this has been a nice change. I don't always get to go (because I have a HUSBAND now that wants me home for dinner... what a drag, Just kidding), but I always feel better when I do go, and less guilty about eating cookie dough.

Recently, I've made it a personal goal to not feel overwhelmed. If I took one thing from the Heidi Hayes Jacobs presentation, it was when she said "if you're overwhelmed, you're paralyzed." That's so true.

Allie Van Dine

Anonymous said...

I don't want any of you guys that feel overwhelmed right now to think that I don't get overwhelmed. I'M CURRENTLY OVERWHELMED. The end of my post should have said TRY to not feel overwhelmed.

Just writing to clarify. : )


lmais04 said...

Switching grade levels this year has been a little more taxing than I expected, but much more rewarding as well! In a funny way much of the prep work I have been doing (cutting lamination, decorating, et..) is how I sharpen my saw. With the holidays upon us it gives me reason to paint, decorate and cook. These are all things I enjoy doing and help me to relax and gather my thoughts.

I LOVE what Penny said about love just opened my eyes to our homework situation! Z doesn't necessarily need help, he just needs time! Thanks Penny!!

Fred V. said...

I like taking walks outside this time of year. Texas in the summer is too hot for me. Also, every now and then I like to listen to sports on the radio. My dad tells us how they would listen to sports on the radio because there were no TVs on the farm. Good announcers had their own special style and the lexicon of sports was a unique language. It was memorable and sometimes magical. Today much of that novelty and hominess is gone, but I find the radio a relaxing way to participate in the game--even when a big screen TV is not far away.

Anonymous said...

It seems like this time of year is really overwhelming. We are putting up our Christmas tree tonight, and it is one that you put together one limb at a time and it is 9 feet high. I hate doing that, but it looks so pretty when we finish decorating it.
I need to put first things first and sharpen the saw and just get on with it.
I get so stressed, but everything always gets done, so I just need to relax and go with the flow.

Anonymous said...

I have really felt overwhelmed this holiday season, I think because the people that my husband and I need to make sure we see have moved further away from us and noone wants to compromise on when and where to get together. It seems once again we will do all of the traveling. Also, in my family this year, two of my sisters and one of my brothers have been diagnosed with serious medical conditions. This has left me anxious at times. So to sharpen my saw this holiday season I have decided to get more involved with my church's advent activities and to walk my dog every night after it gets dark and look at the lights. These activities relax me and help me enjoy the season.

Jody Taylor

Rhonda said...

I honestly have to say I have been feeling very overwhelmed. I feel like I am buried and will never see daylight. I keep changing my “TO DO" List putting things in different "Quads" trying to focus on my Quad 1 and Quad 2 things. Then I realize that the items in Quad 3 and 4 are those things I NEED, so a change in the order again.
Then the greatly needed Thanksgiving break and taking a Personal Day to go see our son at school as he presented his “Capstone” really has been helpful. Spending that time with family and friend have been what I needed, and now Advent Season upon us, going to church on Wednesday night for dinner with family and friends and then service sure can make you settle down and realize what really is important.
Then I went back and look at p.140 and I realize that “yes” these things come first in my life and I need to come back regularly and renew in the four dimensions to make sure I have my priorities in order then things may not feel so overwhelming.
Happy Holidays to you all.
I wish you all a rested holiday!

Anonymous said...

I too love the holidays and the Thanksgiving break was definitely refreshing and needed. I am now ready to charge into Christmas and try to make the next few weeks fun for the students and me, putting a little holiday twist on the everyday routines. I have also been hearing the words of my mother haunting my thoughts when I hear my 4 year old asking me to play school and my 1 year old crying because all she wants is to be held, and all I can think of is grades are due Friday and we have no clean underwear I don’t have time to play school! But my wise mother’s words come ringing in my head “If you want your children to be a part of your life when they are 14 you need to take time to play with them when they are 4.” We need to remember to validate the members of our family and that is when you feel truly blessed! You will always have school work, dirty dishes, and laundry, but your children’s childhood is so short. Cherish every minute you have with them and everything else will fall into place!!
Juli Stanford

Anonymous said...

During the holidays, I was fishing off my in-laws dock on the Brazos River in Freeport Tx, trying very hard to relax.I love fishing so it shouldn't be that hard right? WRONG!My mother-in-law was telling me at every move how to fish while simultaneously making weird squawking noises mimicing the Blue Herons. As I came up with a plan on how I was going to CHUNK her in the river and still make it look like an accident, I realized, SHE was having a great time enjoying fishing and being with me, while I on the other hand had CHOSEN to be miserable! I had MADE my own weather. She was having a blast while I was annoyed. GO Figure! So, I chilled out and allowed the fun to take over. I was catching fish, the air was cold and the water warm so smoky tendrils were snaking across the river looking awesome in the moonlight and it really was cool hearing the Horned Owls and Blue Herons calling. Once I put 7 Habits into practice not just words, I started to have a blast.
I made my weather change.
D. Barker